Department of Post Graduate >>
1. Introduction
The Postgraduate Department of Geology was started in the academic year 2008-09. It is a self supporting section of the Department. This is the only Post-graduate Department of Geology in the jurisdiction of Shivaji University. Presently M. Sc., M. Phil. and Ph. D. Courses are conducted by the department.
The total number of students taking M. Sc. Degree of Shivaji University from this department in the year 2017-18 is 15. Prior to June 2008 number of our students have obtained Post Graduate Degrees from various Universities viz. Shivaji University, University of Pune, Karnataka University, Dharwad, M. S. University, Baroda, Nagpur University, Nagpur. Many of them are working in Central and State Government Organizations, Universities, affiliated Colleges, Private Companies and Mining Industries and as Businessmen. Number of students had visited institutions and universities in U.S.A., England, Germany, Australia, Japan and other countries for their Post-Graduate or Doctoral Research.
Collection of beautiful rare specimens of minerals, rocks and fossils is the feather in the cap of the department. Museum specimens of various kinds of zeolites are the main attraction of the department. Sets of Gemstones in the raw and finished forms present a surprise to the laymen. Native gold, copper, rare minerals and rare fossil specimens of fish and trilobites from other countries, plant fossils from Gondwana Supergroup of India are a treat to the eyes of scientific community. Flexible sandstone is one more attraction of the department. These attractions tempt common people and schools and colleges to visit the department.
The department is well equipped with Minerals, Rocks, Crystal Models, Fossils and teaching aids like wooden / plastic models related to mineralogy, petrology, crystallography, structural geology and geomorphology. Maps of Maharashtra, India, Asia and World are available with the department. They are of different type's viz. Relief Maps, Physical, Political, Geological, Mineralogenic and Metalogenic maps. In addition to the conventional petrological and ore microscopes the department has very good modern microscope with display facility on a monitor.