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Senior >> Department of Geology >> Academic Planning


The department of Geology usually plans all the academic activites in the beginning of the academic year. The Head of the Department calls meeting every year for the academic planning. The main aspects which are usually discussed in the meeting and the decisions taken are as under.-

Admissions: The reopening of the college for the academic year generally takes place in the second or third week of June. The admission processes for different classes are completed in following way-


Admission Process

B. Sc. I

Immediately after declaration of results of HSC Examinations, together with other subjects and faculties. Generally in last week of June.

B. Sc. II

Immediately after declaration of results of B.Sc. Part I. Generally in First/Second week of July.

B. Sc. III

Immediately after declaration of results of B.Sc. Part II. 
Generally in last week of June.


Teaching: After the completion of admission process, the teaching gets started for all the classes and theory teaching is completed minimum one week before each Semester Examinations. As the practical examinations are conducted annually,  practical teaching is completed minimum one week before the examination.

Tests, tutorials, home assignments etc modes of internal assessment and practical examinations are conducted annually during the academic year for students of all U. G. classes. This additional coaching helps the students to improve their performance.

Study Tours: Fieldwork is a very important part in the subject of Geology. Study Tours are conducted for the students of all classes. The tentative schedule of study tours is given below-


No. of days

Month of tour(Tentative)

B. Sc. I

03 days


B. Sc. II

07 days


B. Sc. III

15 days
